Hi there! I’m Amanda. I’m a devoted wife, Christian, and mother to a sweet and sassy four year old. I work full time, teach pre-K Sunday School at my church and volunteer at several local Christian organizations. I love spending time with my family, exercising, organizing and studying the Bible.
Like a lot of working moms, I get overwhelmed, stressed out, and have too much to do in too little time. Sound familiar?
As mothers, wives, and Christians we have a lot on our plates. We live for our kids and do our best to support our husbands and serve God. I’m passionate about helping other moms and their families find balance, get fit and healthy, and strengthen their relationship with God.
I’ve been on a mission to find ways to spend more time on the important things in my life and less on the details. What is important to me? The spiritual, mental and physical health of myself and my family. If we are healthy and strong in these areas, we are able accomplish so much!
I don’t believe we were created for a life of stress and mediocrity. I believe God wants us to experience how a relationship with Him can better every area of our lives so we are equipped to help others!