If you’re like me, you’re busy. I mean never enough hours in the day, never enough of you to go around, BUSY.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our day-to-day responsibilities, that at times our health, quality time with family, and even our faith can fall by the wayside.

So how do we juggle motherhood, marriage, work, homemaking and still serve Jesus? How can we invite Him into everything we do?

That, my friends, is what I am on a mission to discover.

I want to find new and creative ways to incorporate our Lord into every aspect of my life and family. In doing so, I believe I can be happier, healthier, and better serve Him. And I believe the same for YOU!

 So, if you want to find ways to improve your relationships, your health, your Christian faith, and your LIFE, let’s take this journey together–one step at a time.

Hi, I’m Amanda! I’m a wife, mom of a spunky little girl, writer, avid researcher, and a follower of Christ striving to live my best life for Jesus and my family.

Family House Rules for a Peaceful Home

Do you and your family look forward to returning to a peaceful home every day? Or do you the dread messy chaos and petty bickering that becomes a habit for many busy families? Our home should be a...

How to Trust God Completely and Step Out in Faith

For most of us, loving Jesus comes easy, yet when it comes time to let go and trust God, many of us struggle. I know I have (and still do from time to time). When you feel like you are the glue...

Stubborn Eczema? What Worked For My Child.

Ever since my daughter was a baby she had stubborn eczema, especially on her face and hands. Her pediatrician told us it was common in babies that also had food allergies or intolerances. (She had a...

Submission in Christian Marriage

Possibly the most challenging and misunderstood aspect of Christian marriage is the submission of wives to their husbands. Ephesians 5:22-33 (NIV) states, Wives, submit yourselves to your own...

Sanity-Saving Stuffed Animal Storage Solutions

If you have kids, odds are at some point your house has been (or is currently) overrun with toys. Toy organization and storage, especially stuffed animal storage, can be a real challenge.  Whenever...

Yoga for Christians: The Beginner’s Guide

Is it possible to practice yoga without going against Christianity? Is there a way to achieve the benefits of yoga while deepening our faith in Christ?

4 Biblical Tools to Improve Mental Health

Do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Are you searching for natural, more effective ways to improve your mental health? You are not alone! According to the Anxiety and Depression Association...